Dental Implant
Implants are nothing but artificial objects which are naturally accepted by human body to restore…

Teeth Whitening
With the advancements that have been accomplished in cosmetic teeth whitening, getting noticeably…

A dental crown or dental cap is a custom-made restoration that covers a tooth with sustained…

Dental Veneers, often called teeth veneers are the materials thin in size, placed over the teeth so as…

A Dentures treatment in Chandrapur is a removable replacement for missing teeth and…

Even though you have a dental bridge, you need to repair or replace it after some time. A dental bridge…

Dental Sealant
The dentist may have mentioned something about getting dental sealants as a preventive treatment…

Teeth Cleaning
You may have often heard that we must brush and floss our teeth regularly to prevent tooth cavities…

Scaling Root planing
Scaling and root planing, otherwise known as conventional periodontal therapy, non-surgical periodontal…

Gingival graft
Many people experience gingival recession. Exposed roots can be a cosmetic concern, sensitive to hot…

Dental Composite
Composite resins, or tooth-colored fillings, provide good durability and resistance to fracture in small…

Removable partial Denture
The shortened dental arch (SDA) concept classically consists of 20 occluding teeth with missing…

Gingivo Plasty
Dental restorations treatments can be used to repair teeth that have been damaged by tooth decay.

Sometimes anaolgies are made with reference to “pulling teeth”. People might say getting their childern…

Root Canal
Implants are nothing but artificial objects which are naturally accepted by human body to restore…

Braces / Invisalign
Many people have the embarrassing issue of crooked or crowded teeth. One of the most obvious solutions for

Dental bonding is a cosmetic procedure in which a tooth-colored composite resin material is applied

Cosmetic Dentistry
There is an obvious difference that exists between traditional dentistry and cosmetic dentistry.

Dental Implantology
Our implant specialists can make an evaluation at no cost to find out if you are a candidate to get

General Surgery
Dental surgery is very common and includes procedures that address conditions that many people…

Maxillofacial Surgery
Maxillofacial surgery has something to do with the face and front part of the head. “Maxillo” is a Latin

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that treats malocclusion, a condition in which the teeth are

Pediatric Dentistry
Pediatric dentists are dedicated to the oral health of children from infancy through the teen years